Combining New Products and Old Loves

NARS Pure Radiant Tinted Moisturizer, NARS Highlighting Powder, MAC Mineralize Skinfinish, Glossier Stretch Concealer, Kevyn Aucoin Sculpting Powder, Hourglass Bronzer, Drunk Elephant D-Bronzi
NARS Pure Radiant Tinted Moisturizer, NARS Highlighting Powder, MAC Mineralize Skinfinish, Glossier Stretch Concealer, Kevyn Aucoin Sculpting Powder, Hourglass Bronzer, Drunk Elephant D-Bronzi. 
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I seem to find myself getting into routines and then having a hard time breaking them. For example, I'll eat the same thing for lunch three months in a row just because it's easy and I don't have to think about it until I can't stand to look at a turkey sandwich anymore. Makeup usually isn't too different. Working in an office environment, I don't find myself going outside of the box too often with my makeup and tend to wear the same, fairly natural look a lot. This doesn't bother me because if it isn't broke, don't fix it, but it does make me think about the amount of makeup I have versus what I use. 

Don't get me wrong, I am comfortable with the amount of makeup that I have considering it is a big interest of mine and it still fits in my vanity without spilling over. The thing that sometimes gets to me is that when I get a new product I will forget about something that I once loved. To try and combat this feeling of guilt, I've been more conscious about mixing up new and old products lately, and I've got to say that it helps! Here's the combo that I've been turning to lately after going back and mixing in some old favorites and giving new products a break.