Peloton Bike+ Review: One Year In

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If there is one thing that I know about myself, it's that I hate going to the gym to workout. I hate getting dressed, lacing up my shoes, driving the embarrassingly short distance, and touching the same filthy equipment that everyone else is. Near the end of 2020, I decided I was canceling my membership. I'd been paying for it for years and would go through periods where I'd workout consistently for a few months, then quit. When I canceled, I knew I wanted to get some kind of in-home equipment to try to stay active. I initially thought about getting a treadmill. I think I was actually researching them when I came across people raving about their Peloton bikes. I liked the idea of a bike vs a treadmill because while I love a runner's high, I don't actually love running. Cycling is also more low impact on the knees, which can't be said for running.